중요한 이유?
현실세계와 많이 닮음. 부모와 자식간의 관계, 파일시스템 등
부모와 자식간의 복종 관계를 나타내고, 서비디렉토리는 부모 디렉토리에 포함됨
- dynamic data structure (추가하기 쉬우며 지우기 쉽다.)
- linked structure
트리 정의?
- root, parent, child, leaf
- signle root, no cycles in a tree, each node can have one parent
트리 종류?
- generic tree
- binary tree - each nood needs : parent, value, left,ritht child
구현 방법?
- visit data in different ways or in different ordering
- social network, maze game
pre-order traverslas
- visit yourself
- visit all your sub-left-tree
- visit all your sub-right-tree
post-order traverslas
- yourself - right - left
in-prder traverslas
- left - yourself - right
- keep a list and keep adding to it and removing from start, we used this list like a 'queue'
pre-order, post-order are DFS
binary search
- log n
- sorted arrays are good for search but bad for insertion/removal
arrays cannot be dynamically resized either
so we use binary search tree
- binary tree
- left subtrees are less than parent
- right subtrees are grater than parent
중요한 이유?
현실세계와 많이 닮음. 부모와 자식간의 관계, 파일시스템 등
부모와 자식간의 복종 관계를 나타내고, 서비디렉토리는 부모 디렉토리에 포함됨
- dynamic data structure (추가하기 쉬우며 지우기 쉽다.)
- linked structure
트리 정의?
- root, parent, child, leaf
- signle root, no cycles in a tree, each node can have one parent
트리 종류?
- generic tree
- binary tree - each nood needs : parent, value, left,ritht child
구현 방법?
public class BinaryTree {
TreeNode root;
// method
// pre-order
// post-order
public class TreeNode {
private E vale;
private TreeNode parent;
private TreeNode left;
private TreeNode right;
public TreeNode(E value, TreeNode parent) {
// ...
// addLeftChild
// addRightChile
- visit data in different ways or in different ordering
- social network, maze game
pre-order traverslas
- visit yourself
- visit all your sub-left-tree
- visit all your sub-right-tree
post-order traverslas
- yourself - right - left
in-prder traverslas
- left - yourself - right
- keep a list and keep adding to it and removing from start, we used this list like a 'queue'
pre-order, post-order are DFS
binary search
- log n
- sorted arrays are good for search but bad for insertion/removal
arrays cannot be dynamically resized either
so we use binary search tree
- binary tree
- left subtrees are less than parent
- right subtrees are grater than parent
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